Futa Pass Adrenaline Experience

Bologna Trip Overview

The real test can only take place behind the curtains only within a small circle of connoisseurs. Let us give you the joy and pride to make you part of this secret circle.

Additional Info

Duration: 1 day
Starts: Bologna, Italy
Trip Category: Outdoor Activities >> Adrenaline & Extreme

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What to Expect When Visiting Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

The real test can only take place behind the curtains only within a small circle of connoisseurs. Let us give you the joy and pride to make you part of this secret circle.


In order to give you the entire flavour of what was the atmosphere of the road racing in the 70s, you will start the experience as a passenger in the extremely physically E.C. OnlyOne P8 one-off prototype, which is the pinnacle concerning a race car with a plate number and is able to extract the most from the Futa racetrack.

After the experience in the prototype as a passenger, you will then move to Ferrari specifically tuned for Futa and Raticosa to practice yourself and your skill in the extremely demanding Futa racetrack corners with the instructions from the most experienced driver on this specific road. We will spend an entire day to try extracting from you the very best from this experience corner by corner, and lap by lap.

Experience is tailored for one or two people. The path will be illustrated in a warm-up lap, guided coaching by Enea Casoni. The starting point – Chalet della Raticosa is located 968m above the sea level. The track is 60 km long and contains all kinds of corners where you will have the opportunity to increase your skills like a racing driver.

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